Saturday, October 22, 2011

Celebration time in Paris!!!

If we must great a year older...or in my case, move into a new decade.....the very least we must do is to celebrate the moment by
doing something we love to do...
in a city we love to do it in!!!!
My me, no question....Antiquing in Paris!

Two of my dear friends joined in the fun and we ate and shopped and drank our way through a wonderful weekend!
It was the very best birthday ever.

Next year, well it won't be as traumatic adding a higher digit to my age.......if I can have this much fun again!
Book my room now SVP!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Heavy buying season for My French Chateau!

Bonjour Mes Amis!
With a much welcome break in the weather, we are celebrating the beginning of the busiest time in Home Furnishings. Everyone is gearing up for the Holidays and Entertaining. So My French Chateau has been busy flying to Europe to get you the greatest treasures and much need accessories for your own Chateau. Visit our Miami Circle or the website often, as goodies are arriving weekly!!!