Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Behind the scenes.....when the museum is closed!

Think that all is still and quiet in a museum when the doors are closed?
Think again!
There's a lot going on when the visitors are gone, and just as much when you see a gallery roped off.
Installation of a new exhibit takes a lot of work, and these massive paintings are not that easy to maneuver . It can take weeks for a new exhibition to come together.

And while re-painting a room and hanging the paintings seem simple compared to the workrooms which can be twice as busy! Crating and un-crating a painting takes time. Inspection of each work of art. Some works require restoration such as touch ups and cleaning, re-framing the list is endless!

So to give you an visual idea of what goes on, I have collected these photos from The Louvre, Musee d'Orsay, and the Metropolitian Museum of Art.
This will I've you some insight..... behind the scenes!

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

cookies anyone????

OH,  LADUREE, how  do I love thee???
Let me count the macarons!

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

The BEST "Before & After"

I have seen a lot of Before & After designs over the years.
Some were wonderful, some not so hot.
But this was the most extensive and impressive I have ever witnessed!
In the center of Paris, facing the Seine River...

What was first built as the Gare d'Orsay built in 1900 for Universal Exhibition.
The station & hotel served numerous travelers in addition to many banquets and political meetings.
But in 1939 the station changed to only serving the suburbs as its platforms were too short to accommodate the modern, electrified & longer trains. 
It was then used as a mailing center for sending packages and letters to prisoners during the second World War and  even movie companies used it as a backdrop. In 1973, the hotel closed.  It escaped
total destruction and was finally classified as a Historical Monument in 1978.
On a personal note, just after the building was saved and it was announced it would become the
Musee d'Orsay
I was fortune enough to be walking by late one Sunday afternoon.
There was no one about, and even more surprising no signs of "No admittance "!!!
The gates which surrounded the building were open wide...
so, what would you do?
Well, I walked in!
All of the furniture in the hotel had been removed. The train tracks were gone and the walkway was not there. But the rest was exactly as if time had stood still.
Soot covered the ceiling, the clock was still, and there was only silence and memories of all these walls must have seen and heard!
It is a memory I will never forget....and thats why the Musee d'Orsay and all of the Art it shows off so  well, will always be near and dear to my heart!

This fabulous musée opened its doors December 1, 1986.

Go there and see, but listen for the ....train whistle!