Saturday, September 4, 2010

Day #3 - The South of France Adventure

Day 3 of my buying adventure starts with the pushing and shoving of dealers and buyers as they race in together at 8am. Not knowing what's in store for us buyers, our heart beats faster as we finally enter the gates. Which way do we go first? Our favorite dealers, or someone new yet to be discovered? I pass by friends and wave a quick hello as this is no time to stand and chat if we want to make that special purchase before anyone else finds it first!

By the end of the long exhausting day, many calculations and invoice writing later....I can say it was a great day!

I found lots of old standbys, and some new treasures never before seen. You're going to love them!

Lots of beautiful tables, comfy chairs, and yes, those still greatly desired starburst mirrors! And even another globe....because it always important to not only know where you've been, but where you're going!
And tomorrow morning.....I'm going back to the fair!!!
Bonne Nuit! Lee

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